Saturday, December 28, 2019

Coloring book - How to color like a pro with common tools

Maternity women are advised to color some books for their child benefit. However, not everyone is talent at color or taken the basic course about matching the colors.
Here are the tips to color like a professional.
Tool - Three - Patient - Practice
About tool, expensive pencil color is the best choice to draw like Prisma brand. Brush pen also goes elegantly with the coloring book. Why are the expensive tools mentioned? Not only their quality of color going to spread beautifully on the paper but also they catch the bad quality paper too. The coloring books are produced for common people who does not know how to draw. The target of the coloring book is a wide range of customer, there comes the price needs to be in acceptable range. Acceptable price means the low quality of paper too. So, only Prisma color pencil or Brush pen can perform their color well on the coloring book.

How about another solution? Expensive color for a bad quality paper, it does not sound right. There is a set of cheap tools can work well on Coloring book. They include an acceptable-price color pencil set plus an acceptable-price marker set. Marco brand is one of the acceptable color pencil.

Below pictures are comparing paintings of Prisma and Marco pencil color.
Prisma can draw this figure in 30 seconds because it catches the paper quickly. One Prisma pencil cost 1.6$. A set of 150 Prisma color pencils cost 180$.

Marco Raffine creates this picture in a few minutes. 1.6$ can buy 4 Marco pencils. Lot cheaper than Prisma price for sure. 

With cheap pencil tool, you can easy and lightly color the painting. Do not push the pencil too much hard to get strong color. It took your high effort and your hand will quickly feel tired. Just draw easily, the strong color can be added later by Marker.

Before marker
After marker added

Next, let talk about technique. Using Three colors in a painting is highly recommend technique. Too much would easily mess up your painting. Light or dark tone would be added by the same tone color.
Light blue, dark blue, ocean blue,... are same cold tone colors.
Light orange, dark orange, neon orange,... are same hot tone colors.
Blue, orange, purple are 3 main colors in the above pictures.

Patience is the last but highest needed thing  for creating a good painting. Patiently color a set of small shapes in light color, than slowly add stronger color until you feel 3D shape. Patiently arrange light color next to the dark color and go on. Dark and light color can be 3:7 rate. 3 light : 7 dark or 3 dark : 7 light is up to your choice.
Practice makes perfect. Practice in the certain amount of quantity can turn to quality. These basic sentences are worked in all fields.

Enjoy drawing like a pro with cheap tools.

Marco Raffine color pencil still can catch the paper just used for Pencil.
Lost in the forest - Marco color pencil

Combination of Prisma and no brand color pencil

Sewing machine - Prisma color pencil

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