Saturday, April 13, 2019

Set you free of house work in the budget way

Female in general is bounding to house work. Laundry, cooking, dish cleaning, floor cleaning, rest room cleaning, how can women make money, have fun with kid? Me time? Hang out time?

Thanks for many advertising run through like “Good husband shares house work with wife”. However, it should change to “Good couple automates house work”. Admit that no one love house work, except sometimes the need of working without thinking appears. Automating technology seems to be good solution for couple saving time for more meaningful activities like taking care of kid education, developing yourself, finding the meaning of life, etc.

Here is the list of needed automatic tools in house:

·         Laundry can be replaced by dryer and washer.

·         Dish cleaning: Dish washer.

·         Floor cleaning: cleaning robot.

·         Cooking: hmm, this one is a tough thing. No restaurants provide food as delicious as home.

·         Rest room cleaning: this one also is not popular yet. So, just give the world more time to deal with this issue.

How about floor cleaning in Vietnam?

Few options are put on the table for a house wife to choose. Whatever the option is, the purpose is saving time, set women free. I don’t mean free of your husband, just free of house work.

First is recruiting cleaner, outside service or stay in house maid.

Honestly, the idea of let stranger around the kids, the house can strangely exist well in almost of family in Vietnam until now.

The house still looks like a mess with an awful, weird pattern clothes of old lady sitting somewhere on the floor, holding your kid with her rough hand, talking to your kid with her middle of Vietnam tone and educating them by the not-graduate-high-school-yet mind.

When buying a house, we have a lot of demand on the environment. We hope to choose good location, high level of people lived in the area, good school, etc. but can we have a good maid?

Hiring a maid, we expect good maid in professional clothes, keep the house high quality of cleanliness. Will 5 million vnd be a reasonable salary for this kind of cleaning service per month?

Let skip that “lot of money” solution and check the Second solution.

This one is a lot less complex than the first one because we are going to buy a robot. An imported smart robot, high quality comes with high price, is just 20 million vnd/ robot.

How about 3 million vnd robot? Hum. Clean quality is just acceptable. Using this budget robot, you need to lift thing up before it starts, avoid it stuck itself at quite a lot of corners. The more you run it, the newer the stuck corner you know when finding it. Let say effort cannot back to 0 for this solution, 20 minutes/ day to follow the robot or more if you run it twice per day due to low quality of cleanliness it is.

In addition, this robot cost a lot of electric daily while we’ve been blame for the warmer earth.

With 3 million VND + an amount of time spent, we have the 3rd solution, vacuum cleaner 1800W + automatic spin mop. 

Usually, 5 minutes are needed to sweep a floor. Certain of manual work follows such as taking the water bucket, inserting the house cleaning liquid with lemon smell. Wet the mop, dry the mop, clean each 5 square meters of area and wet, dry, clean again.

In total, cleaning a floor manually can take around 1 hour of hard work.

In contrast, vacuum cleaner takes exactly 5 minutes to clean 58m2, same time as using broom, but cleaner triple times.

Automatic spin mop takes 20mins cleaning the house.

In total, it takes around 30minutes to clean a floor in the weekend with 3 million VND budget.

Daily running vacuum cleaner will cost less electric than a robot.

So, 2.5 million vacuum cleaner plus an automatic spin mop is also 1 of the options you can consider when automating your house work, girl.

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