Sunday, March 24, 2019

The reason why I race

In Vietnam, people is easily get used with the image of 6-pack man. It was the beauty of well schedule training in combination of completing your responsibility to your partner, your family, your main job. So, it means you are working hard and smarter than normal people.

It is even more beautiful and rarer than in women. Why does it so hard for woman to be a running woman, a female triathlete?

First thing first, if you are a woman and incidentally love to run alone, be prepared that you will look tanner than others. Except some special case who has soft muscle, almost running girl looks fitter than usual girl who still have rounder arm and face. Round form and white skin are the normal standard Vietnamese expected to see in Vietnam woman. So, if you are afraid to be different and weird, choose not to be a running girl. Being a running girl means your pride always be challenging by prejudice man who could not understand why you choose one of the toughest, loneliness sports to play. Whether or not it will be different feeling when you are a female triathlete, I am not sure.
Some source of triathlete has divided the word female = Fe + male = iron + man. Funny but anyway, you are still an ironman inside a woman. Prepare yourself for lot more mental challenging than male.

If it is still not clear how mental challenging is, let imagine this scenario. You wake up in the morning, wearing your lovely dress, come to work. On the way, you stop at the traffic red light, a couple on motorbike stops next to you. That bike is uglier than your motorbike and might cheaper. At a result, you did not care who drive that bike. When the green lights on, you start to drive on and heard a male voice: “OMG, what a black muscle bitch”. For the rest of the way to work, the only thought you can think is “Damn you, stupid weak dump-ass”. It is just one of the usual comments that a fitness tan woman will face with in long usual life.

However, well-train is a long term tattoo on your body. It cost you day by day effort but the effect is priceless. No tattoo can be as same as your fitness body. No harm, no scar left if one day you stop training. That tattoo is not once-time-pay-to-get thing. It is a long and patient training which marks your body in 2 or 6-pack abs, tighter arms, soft round ass without fat, slim legs. That tattoo makes you well recognized in sport world. Just one look, runner can recognize each other quickly.

Tough mind, 6-pack tattoo are the very first reasons you will love to run.

Next reason is the travel. Your travel schedule will be completed with sport activity, sightseeing. In these years, lot of race has been operated around Vietnam, not just big city like Hanoi, Saigon but Qui Nhon, Sa Pa, lot of beautiful routes are waiting you to step your foot on.

Last but not least, sport beautiful photos are harder to take than fashion photo. The more sports you play, the more new style photos you have. The pain is only today, the post on Facebook is forever. Racer over the world is and will be encouraged by this very motivating quote.
Do you dare to be motivated by that quote?

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